“A Thinking Mind Subjected to the Flowers.” Francis Ponge and the Challenge of Poetic Reflection

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Eberhard Geisler


Francis Ponge’s work represents a highly reflective concept of writing. His attempt to come close to nature is determined by the conviction that this approach has to be taken by an almost monastic respect for the phenomena and has to eschew abstract notions and generalizations. His project of writing is a deeply moral one; it pursues a type of representation that involves the subject and does not conceive the world he approaches by writing as an object. In order to grasp the essence of this author’s work, Jacques Derrida’s monograph “Signéponge” is adduced, which is the most enlightening contribution on Ponge to have ever been made. Furthermore, it will be shown that Ponge’s work relates to issues that are central to the poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin and the language theory of Walter Benjamin.

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How to Cite
Geisler, E. 2022. “A Thinking Mind Subjected to the Flowers.” Francis Ponge and the Challenge of Poetic Reflection. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 5 (2022), 467–483. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-izfk-f33a-ef23.