What Would Be Possible if Poetry Were Still Possible? And What Would Nature Have to Do with It? Reconsidering the Work of Eugenio Montale

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Jan Söffner


This essay puts forth a definition of poetry rooted in experience. In following Eugenio Montale, it analyzes two of his poems – “I limoni” and “Notizie dall’Amiata” – to  show how the poet, rather than constructing discrete poetic worlds, aims at a poetry  revealing the world and nature to a concrete reader, unforeseeable for the poet.  Poetry thus aims at imbuing this reader’s life with an ephemeral poetic form, rather  than evoking its own self-sufficient aesthetics. In doing so, chance and flaws in  the social and cultural construction of reality act as co-authors of his “poesia”

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How to Cite
Söffner, J. 2021. What Would Be Possible if Poetry Were Still Possible? And What Would Nature Have to Do with It? Reconsidering the Work of Eugenio Montale. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 4 (2021), 11–29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-izfk-0d9b-e8bf.