Naturphilosophie und Wandlung der Seele bei Karl Joël und F.W.J. Schelling

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Johanna Hueck


In his work “On the Origin of Natural Philosophy from the Spirit of Mysticism” Karl Joël refers several times to Schelling and his thinking about nature without elaborating on this references. The article discusses the thesis, whether the concept of conversion, which seems to be essential for Joëls philosophical approach, could be seen as a link between him and Schelling. It substantiates that both authors find in the conversion of human beings a condition for a non-reductive insight into nature.

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How to Cite
Hueck, J. 2022. Naturphilosophie und Wandlung der Seele bei Karl Joël und F.W.J. Schelling. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 7 (2022), 97–108. DOI: