Liebe als Naturmystik. Postmetaphysische und postkritische Potenziale bei Henri Bergson und Thomas Rentsch

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Philipp Thomas (Weingarten)


When we feel that all beings are interconnected – how can we reconstruct this in philosophical terms, avoiding ideology and scientific-evolutionary or religious big pictures? This text looks at Bergsons notion of intuition and Rentschs notion of negativity and the transcendental conditions of life in order to describe a secular mysticism. Love is a core aspect of this mysticism since love protects singularity (Rentsch), sees potentials of development (Scheler) and can connect us with the world (Bergson).

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How to Cite
Thomas (Weingarten), P. 2022. Liebe als Naturmystik. Postmetaphysische und postkritische Potenziale bei Henri Bergson und Thomas Rentsch. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 7 (2022), 141–158. DOI: