Медиальность, перформативность и структура текста в поэтической практике Оксаны Васякиной

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Александр Житенев


This article explores forms of performativity in the poetry of Oksana Vasyakina. Vasyakina considers poetry as part of poetic activism related to the assertion of women’s rights in a patriarchal society. Poetic expression – direct and provocative – responds with aggression to aggression, appropriating a position of power. Violence can only be defeated by finding one’s own voice, for which there is no place in a totally masculine culture. Therefore, Vasyakina’s most important idea is the idea of acquiring authentic speech as a long process that involves both overcoming social stereotypes and overcoming oneself, grounding her poetry in a performativity that is simultaneously pragmatic, thematic, and poetological.

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How to Cite
Житенев, А. 2022. Медиальность, перформативность и структура текста в поэтической практике Оксаны Васякиной. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 6 (2022), 115–128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-izfk-2eef-548d.