Die „Gedankenkunst“ des lyrischen Schöpfertums. Metaphysische Aspekte in der Poetik Olʼga Sedakovas

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Angelika Schmitt


This article examines the features of cognition gained through poetic creativity. First, three aspects of the theoretical considerations of Russian poet Olʼga Sedakova are considered: the attributes of the poetic state, the subject of poetical creation and of poetical reception, and the relationship of poetical creation and mystical experience. Second, parallels to her literary work are demonstrated in an overview, but also discussed in a concrete analysis of one of her poems («Vzgljad kota»). It is shown that Sedakova is entangled in contradictions in her theoretical work because she reproduces the openness and ambiguity of poetic writing in her theoretical texts. Finally, it is demonstrated that the poetic state can be characterized on the basis of her theoretical and poetical work as non-propositionally, founded in a pre-conscious mental structure, and can be qualified with Leibniz' concept of the cognitio clara et confusa.

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How to Cite
Schmitt, A. 2019. Die „Gedankenkunst“ des lyrischen Schöpfertums. Metaphysische Aspekte in der Poetik Olʼga Sedakovas. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 1 (2019), 211–242. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-izfk-a948-dfee.