Lyrische Erkenntnisvollzüge am Beispiel schulischer Erfahrungen in der englischsprachigen Gegenwartsdichtung

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Matthias Fechner


This article analyses the depiction of school as a place of knowledge in contemporary poetry in English. In dealing with the poetry of Jean Breeze (Jamaica/GB), Gillian Clarke (Wales/GB), Carol Ann Duffy (England/GB), Thabo Jijana (South Africa), Meena Kandasamy (Tamil Nadu/India), Claudia Rankine (USA) and Edwin Thumboo (Singapore), it does not only enable the reader to draw pedagogical conclusions from poetic evidence. The article differentiates further between a poem’s potential of knowledge and its process of knowledge developed during its reception; taking, additionally, into account how its reception might interfere with the poem’s potential of knowledge and even with its author’s intention. Eventually, each poem highlights an important anglophone region ranging from the United States, the Caribbean, India and South Africa to the British Isles and Singapore. Hence, each poem is also interpreted in its cultural and historical context. Last but not least, the article tries to undertake a comparative analysis of the role of contemporary German-language poetry within educational contexts in Germany.

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How to Cite
Fechner, M. 2019. Lyrische Erkenntnisvollzüge am Beispiel schulischer Erfahrungen in der englischsprachigen Gegenwartsdichtung. International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies. 1 (2019), 183–209. DOI: