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Guest Editorship

Potential guest editors apply to the executive editor-in-chief, Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl, at for the publication of a single issue:

  1. The (completed) issue must comprise: an introduction by the guest editors, a table of contents, all contributions accompanied by an English abstract (up to 300 words) and keywords (up to seven).
  2. The proposal includes a) a brief (thematic) description of the issue (no more than 1,000 words), b) a list of the (guest) editors, the authors’ names and titles of their articles, as well as academic addresses and contact data (telephone number, e-mail) of the (guest) editors and authors.

Decision Process to Accept (or Reject) a Guest Editorship

  1. Two months, at the latest, after receipt of the application, the editors are invited to submit the issue, including the report on the peer review (peer review key questions), within an agreed deadline.
  2. No later than four months after submission of the completed issue, information regarding its acceptance will be provided.
  3. After the confirmation of acceptance for publication, contracts are concluded with the guest editors (‘contract for guest editors’) and authors (‘contract for authors’). The editors-in-chief reserve the right to reject contributions submitted with a successful peer review. Before publication, the authors will receive proofs with a request for correction. Within a period of two weeks after receipt of the proofs, the authors must confirm in writing to agree to the publication (of their texts).


The articles are not subjected to a limitation in length. As a matter of principle, contributions are accepted in any language; however, an English abstract (up to 300 words and up to seven keywords) is mandatory. The articles submitted should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. If the article contains previously published passages, these must be referenced, and in the case of more extensive passages, copyright must be presented. In exceptional cases, and provided the copyright can be documented, it is possible to accept articles already published in another language or elsewhere. Proof of copyright must also be provided for images and / or film material. In all questions of copyright, the editors-in-chief of IZfK must be contacted and informed.

The authors should have an ORCID ID (


Peer Review and Report on Peer Review

Publication in IZfK requires that articles undergo a plagiarism check conducted through the iThenticate software licenced to the university of Trier as well as a successful peer review, which usually is double-blind in format. The peer review must be carried out by the guest editors relying on the IZfK questionnaire (i.e. ‘peer review key questions’). The documentation of the peer review is done by submitting: a summary report of the guest editors (no more than 700 words), the list of academic experts involved in the peer-review process as well as the completed IZfK questionnaires for the individual contributions, which are intended only for the editors; following this process, the authors of the peer reviews remain anonymous. At least two peer reviews must be submitted for each contribution. The authors will also receive the completed peer review forms. The editors-in-chief reserve the right to request further peer reviews and, if necessary, to reject the whole issue or individual contributions within it.


Formatting and Layout of Articles

The articles must be submitted individually in Word and PDF file, as well as in a collected edition in one volume (PDF).
  1. Further information on the design of the articles and the print layout can be found here.
  2. Please use this sample file with the pre-formatted templates (PDF format / DOCX format).


Open Access Policy

The International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies (IZfK) is a peer-reviewed Open Access Journal in full text, accessible online, based and operated at the University of Trier, Germany, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license entails that readers may use the journal’s texts freely, i.e. for reading, downloading, copying and translating or for reprinting or using download options to publish them on other sites, provided they mention the authors’ names and their first publication in the International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies (IZfK). Neither readers nor authors or institutions are charged any fees for accessing IZfK.