„Trauerspiel“. Die Schuld im Spiel. Spiel, Souveränität, Schuld, Einfühlung im Lichte Benjamins

Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt

Massimo Palma


This article discusses the theatrical form named in German Trauerspiel (the baroque drama or mourning play), focusing on the constitutive elements of its concept – both play and mourning. Although it has often been compared or reduced to ‘tragedy,’ in a sort of excessive anticipation of Romantic theatrical forms, Trauerspiel is more likely to express the traumas of secularization in the early modern age, as both noble and humble subjects face religious and political turmoil. Taking inspiration from Walter Benjamin’s renowned thesis in the book „Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels“ (1925), the article investigates some crucial actual elements of baroque drama-writing such as sovereignty, guilt, empathy, and the search for further intersections with the theories of playwriting proposed in 1938 by Johan Huizinga and discussed a few years later by French critic and thinker Georges Bataille


Palma, M. 2022. „Trauerspiel“. Die Schuld im Spiel. Spiel, Souveränität, Schuld, Einfühlung im Lichte Benjamins. Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik. 8 (2022), 99–114. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-izfk-f199-d52a.