Zum Geleit

Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt

Henrieke Stahl
Ralph Müller


”Poetry and Cognition“ is a topic which could be regarded as paradigmatic for the objective of this journal: Exploring a phenomenon which primarily discloses itself to a transdisciplinary and polyperspectivic approach, extending across research areas defined by disciplines and subjects. The question of knowledge gained by and within poetry neither exclusively falls within the scope of a genuinely literary, philological or even lyricological research area, nor does it entirely belong into various fields of philosophy, such as aesthetics or epistemology, but requires for its discussion both, an approach from the perspective of specialised academic research on poetry as well as from an epistemological point of view.


Stahl, H. und Müller, R. 2019. Zum Geleit. Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik. 1 (2019), 5–6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-izfk-6642-6b9c.