Relocating “China” in Contemporary American Poetry: The Case of Timothy Yu

Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt

Rui Kunze


This article examines “China” in contemporary American poetry using the example of Timothy Yu’s poems, titled “Chinese Silence,” which rewrite and / or parody texts from the American literary canon as well as public communication. It proposes a hall-of-mirrors reading of these poems in order to show how Yu’s poems refer to, reflect on, and relocate other authors’ writing of “China.” It argues that Yu’s poems, instead of making claims for an authentic “China,” attempt to bring Chinese Americans’ lived experience into the American literary tradition.


Kunze, R. 2023. Relocating “China” in Contemporary American Poetry: The Case of Timothy Yu. Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik. 10 (2023), 153–163. DOI: